Click on the video above to see how to distribute text/sms certificates!
Step 1: Click on the green "Distribute Certificates" option.
Step 2: Click on the SMS button, then select the certificate you would want to send out. Use "Yes" on "Compliments Of" to brand your redemption page with your company name, logo, and website URL. Choose "Yes" on "Exclusively for" if you're sending it to one person only. (So you can add their name to the cert)
Step 3: Click on the "Customize Redemption Page" button. If you choose yes on "Compliments Of", add your logo, company name and website URL. If you Choose "Yes" on "Exclusively For" you can add your customers name on there. You can change the font as well on the top right, then click "Save" to save the redemption page.
Step 4: Add your customers phone number. Click on "SMS Preview" to preview it.
Step 5: Click on "Send SMS Certificate(s)" to send it out.