How Do I Use The Zapier/CMI App Integration? - Watch Video
Click on the video above to see how to distribute certificates using our Zapier Integration!
Step 1: Click on the green "Distribute Certificates" option.
Step 2: Click on the "Zapier Integration" button, then select a name that you would like to give to your template. Select the certificate you would want to send out. Use "Yes" on "Compliments Of" to brand your certificate with your company name, logo, and website URL.
Step 3: Click on the "Customize Template" button. If you choose yes on "Compliments Of", add your logo, company name and website URL. You can change the font as well on the top right, then click "Save" to save the E cert. The click on create template.
Step 4: If you scroll down, you will be able to see the template and you can click on the "View" button to preview the cert. Scroll back up and click on "Click Here" next to the "Access Our Zapier/CMI App" to log into your Zapier account and use the integration.
That's it